WORKSHOPS 2024 -2025
Amera holds a range of exciting workshops that allow you to develope your dance skill set.


AUSET Perth Western Australia January 17-19 2025
Interested in booking Amera for a dance Workshop?
Below are some of the workshop topics you can choose from.
Workshop Choices
(*Minimum time applies to some workshops)Franco – Arabic: Revisiting a time in Arabic music
Franco-Arabic music is a popular form of West-meets-East style of music, similar in many respects to modern Arabic Pop, musically the genre crosses over many lines in songs that incorporate Arabic and Italian, Arabic and French and, of course, Arabic and English styles or lyrics.
level BB & above
Majensi – Grand Entrances from a by gone Era
Explore some of the opening entrance pieces of Egyptian dancers and how to make an impact on entrée.
level BB & above
Cairo Streets – Back Street Beats
Shaabi workshop. Explore Shaabi and its evolution.Shaabi is a way of living in Egypt, not just a form of dance or music style. However, the styles are often used to celebrate the lives of Egyptians living in lower socio-economic communities and parts of Cairo. The style emerged during the 1980s and was embraced my many singers, notably by Ahmed Adaweya.
level BB & above
The Triple M’s of an Egyptian Song - Melody, Movement, Moment, & Song
Find your flow, breath, and Ease yourself into your dance and enjoy where the music takes you, floating to an Om Koulsoum moment, bring some Tarab with you and if you don’t have any, it will be supplied.
- Pre-workshop notes
- level BB & above
The Golden Era -Cinematic Style of the 60’s & 70’s
- A look at the styles of the Cinematic era of the 60’s & 70’s in Egypt.
- Dancers/Actresses who played in movies.
- A particular focus on one of dancers of that era, Souad Hosny (dancer, singer, actress) who played the main part in "Hani Balak Min ZouZou" (take care of ZouZou).
- The influential choreographers of that era, Badia Masabni and dancers from a Bygone era that pathed the way.
- Can include full Movie or clips depending on if streaming is available.
- Includes brief history of these historic dancers.
- level BB & above
Romantic Orientale
“Ya Habibi Arrab Laye “(My Love come closer to me) Song by Wael Kfoury. Fall in love with your dance – choreography to a Romantic Arabic song. Arabic singers and the music can be so emotive, float along to a popular love song, bringing true meaning to the quote "Dance like no one is watching".
Level BB & above
Talking Taksim & just Being Baladi
A workshop designed to understand the differences, co incidences, and freedom of what it all means to dance Baladi and to a taksim.
level BB & above
Drum Solo - Rhythmic hips – Egyptian style
Have you ever stopped to think – what is the real purpose of the drum solo in your repertoire?
The Egyptian drum solo shows the expression, technical challenges and highlights the role between the dancer and tablah player. in this workshop learn how to get the tablah to talk with you, become the experience and let your heartbeat with the rhythm of the drum.
- Workshop notes supplied
level BB & above
Revised Workshops from 2006
Modern Saidii
A Great Choreography to a popular Egyptian Song, to add a bit of modern Folklore and dance with power!
Stick required, preferably straight, but Asaya is fine
Song: by Khaled Agag
The Khaleej meets pop!
Throw away your Thobe and get your feet bouncing with this song to upbeat Khaleej singer – modern, light, and incorporates modern Khaleegy moves but still makes you feel like an Arabic pop princess!
Song: Modern Khaleeji
Om Koulsoum revisited – Leesa Fakir
A thousand and one feelings, and light on the technique. Bring this old favourite back to the stage, a choreography to spell bound your audience.
Song: Leesa Fakir – Om Koulsoum
level BB & above
Ya Eskanderani!
Alexandrian style music is the cutest style around! Bring back the feeling of the Mediterranean and the happiness of this dance and fall in love with this style, the soul and sound of the Arabic music from the city of Eskanderia!
level BB & above
Amera Style Technique
Ameras experience in Oriental dance spans over 35 years in Australia and the Middle East.
This workshop will cover a mixture of her journey through the 80’s& 90’s, into the modern Egyptian style. She will group and expand on her repertoire of steps, provide descriptions of how to layer and describe the steps influence by dancers has been inspired, taught and worked with in the Middle East. Choreography to an entrance piece written for her on her 2nd CD "Wahyatak Habibi."
Lebanese Pop
Fun, Fast and Flirty! Najwa Karam is one of the best loved and longest standing Lebanese Singers. You will learn a choreography to a great song by Lebanon’s famous singer.
It’s an upbeat Modern twist on a traditional Lebanese feel.
This choreography is sure to put the “doom” into your "tac"!
Add a dash of Lebanese Mountain steps, some light stomping Dabke ("Ala Egyptian Orientale" ) and see what a Beirutian song mixed with a touch of Egyptian Belly dance creates with this fun choreo.
Greek Belly Dance
Fun, Group class for Beginners and Beyond . Put a bit of OPPA! Into your dance – Throw in a bit of Zorba, Zimbekkico, Kalamatiano (traditional), a twist of the wrist and some shoulder shimmies – and Tsfitt – Ya – Telli! Oppa!
Other titles of workshops past
- Exploring the Da’laa in you and your dance
- Arabic Hand Gestures
- Traditional Gulf Khaleegy
- Other titles on request